Current Members
Principal Investigator
Prof. Fan Wang
Professor, School of Physics, Behang university
Prof. Fan Wang leads the biophotonics research group at the School of Physics, Beihang University. Prof. Wang has expertise in optoelectronics, biophotonics, and nanomaterials. He also has expertise in the biophotonics application of nanomaterials, including super-resolution microscopy, optical tweezers, single nanoparticle tracking and sensing. Prof. Wang has published over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles (including 13 Nature series journals), including leading author articles in Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Communications x2,Light: Science & Applications,Optica,Nano Letters x6,small, Advanced Science and Advanced Materials, with an h-index of 36 and over 5000 citations. Prof. Wang obtained his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales in 2014. In 2019, he was awarded the UTS Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to establish his biophotonics research team. In 2020, he obtained the Australia Discovery Early Career Researcher Award to conduct his biological laser cooling technology research, and he joined the School of Electrical and Data Engineering to establish his group. In 2021, he was awarded the David Syme research prize and iCANX Young Scientist Awards due to his biophotonics research. In 2022, he joined Beihang University to establish his group.
北京航空航天大学物理学院王帆属光学、光子学一派,先后混迹非线性光学、光镊、微纳光电器件、纳米光谱学、超分辨显微成像等领域,每次换方向都是多点一个技能点。承蒙兄弟们支持和一众大佬提携共发表SCI 文章80篇包括Nature以及Nature子刊13篇,其中第一/通讯文章20篇,含Nature Nanotech,Nature Communications,Light: Science & Applications,Optica,Nano Letters,和Advanced Materials。回国后有幸任中国光学学会生物医学光子学委员会青年委员,中国激光杂志社青年编委,中国稀土学报青年编委,汇入祖国科学建设大军。任“Frontiers in Chemistry” 副编委,“MDPI Photonics”、 “MDPI Sensors”和“European Physical Journal”客座编委,捧捧场,组组团儿。费了好大劲儿获得澳大利亚青年学者奖、澳大利亚David Syme研究奖(也算在wiki上留个名儿)以及iCANX青年科学家奖。费更大劲儿获批国家级青年人才项目、并主持国自然面上项目、北京市面上项目,参与科技部重点研发项目。课题组其乐融融人才济济,篮球、羽毛球、王者都可以组团儿。课题组的实验室现包括多台SLM、DMD、显微镜系统,以及自主搭建的光学超分辨显微系统、全息光镊系统、微区时间分辨光谱表征系统。课题组联用的分析测试中心设备包括飞秒激光器、单光子技术时间分辨显微镜、飞秒激光直写加工设备、超快光谱成像系统等设备。
PhD Students

PhD student (2022-)
Optical tweezers

Yao Wang
PhD student (2022-)
Computational imaging, super-resolution microscopy

Xiaomiao Li
PhD student
theoretical physics

Jiaqi Song
PhD student(2019-)
Computational imaging

Zelin Lu
PhD student(2018-)

Zigeng Li
PhD student(2019-)
theoretical physics

Menghan Tian
PhD student(2018-)
Photochromic, Ion-electron regulation, Energy conversion and storage.
Master students

Jinlong Shi
M.S. student (2022-)
Optical tweezers, upconversion nanoparticle

Ruonan Duan
M.S. student (2022-)
Optical tweezers, upconversion nanoparticle

Hongyan Zhu
M.S. student (2021-)
theoretical physics

Jialin Chen
M.S. student (2023-)
Optical tweezers, upconversion nanoparticle

Ze Zheng
M.S. student (2021-)
computational imaging

Zinan Zhao
M.S. student (2023-)
Low-temperature Electrochromic Energy storage Devices

Ruojia Wang
M.S. student (2023-)
Bachelor students

Chaohao Chen
PhD student (2017-2020)
Postdoctoral Researcher at ANU

Matt Cappadona
PhD student
(co-supervise, 2017-2021)

Yongtao Liu
PhD student (2017-2020)
Professor at Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Ziqin Du
PhD student
(co-supervise, 2019-2022)
Ling Zhang
PhD student
(co-supervise, 2019-2022)
Engineer at innofocus

Lei Ding
PhD student (2018-2022)
iScatter microscopy
Postdoctoral at UTS